Our multi-disciplined design firm can provide full design services to our clients. Brokaw Design was formed when the professionals realized the success they had achieved on past projects while members of separate firms could be achieved with even more success by combining forces into a single firm with common professional priorities. The individuals now associated with Brokaw Design have worked together almost continuously for over 25 years. This success was not arrived at without effort or by accident.These successes included:
- Meeting difficult client schedules,
- Meeting client and user functional needs,
- Meeting project budgets and costs, and,
- Providing excellent client and customer service.
We believe in involving our clients early in the design process. We seek close involvement with our client. Through meetings, design workshops, and field trips we seek to identify the problem elements of any project and the options available. This interaction will lead to a consensus-built preferred design solution.
Each project begins with the development of a schedule acceptable to the team and a valid budget for the proposed scope. The construction cost and scope are continually re-evaluated at each step of the design process to ensure the project scope and costs are aligned. |